– questionable search engine creating various issues for the user is the questionable search engine that affects web browsers with redirects and additionally added toolbars, extensions, applications. All these products get installed automatically and all the goals of these products are focused on controlling the traffic of your browser […]
Daily Archives: May 25, 2020
CovidWorldCry ransomware is coronavirus-themed malware that encrypts personal and some system files on the host machine CovidWorldCry ransomware is a file locking virus that is spread via Rig Exploit kit CovidWorldCry ransomware is a file locking virus that is spread via Rig Exploit kit CovidWorldCry ransomware, otherwise known as BigLock […]
CovidWorldCry ransomware
Google redirect virus is a set of potentially dangerous computer infections that seek to benefit from ad revenue while exposing users to unsafe content Google redirect virus is a term used to describe browser hijackers,[1] adware and other potentially unwanted programs that display intrusive advertisements, change the homepage, alter search […]
Google redirect
Mindspark – program that comes pre-bundled and installs other unclear applications without permission Mindspark Toolbar is the browser component that shows up out of nowhere and interrupts users’ work on the computer with questionable content redirects. This is one of the most annoying features this potentially unwanted program has. People complain[1] […]
Mindspark falls for browser hijacker category due to aggressive takeover of the Google Chrome’s settings virus is a term used to refer to a browser hijacker and potentially unwanted application (PUA) that supposedly aims at optimizing web searching experience. However, it’s yet another tool managed by an unspecified New […]
Maze ransomware managers release 2GB payment card numbers that belong to the Bank of Costa Rica customers Maze ransomware gathers momentum – criminals managing this deadly dangerous RaaS (ransomware as a business) keeps expanding its list of victims. The Cyble Research team[1] reported on May 1st, 2020 that the Bank […]