
Virus, Malware, Trojans

xhelper – Android malware that reinstalls itself after termination, uninstallation and even factory reset  xHelper is the trojan dropper that delivers malware like banking trojans and ransomware on mobile devices. This trojan has already infected 45 000 devices in the past six months, mainly targetting U.S, Russia, and India. Malicious applications […]


Sigonews – a website that provides brand stories but aims to throw annoying pop-ups on Androids and other devices Sigonews virus is an adware app that travels with the help of software bundling Sigonews is a third-party website[1] that aims to drop notifications on Android devices and Windows/macOS computers. Ads […]


Kangaroo ransomware is malware that shows up as the Windows Explorer process Kangaroo ransomware – malware that urges contacting the criminals via email address Kangaroo ransomware is a notorious malware strain released by the same developer who created Apocalypse ransomware, Esmeralda, and Fabiansomware. By using symmetric or asymmetric encryption, this […]

Kangaroo ransomware virus