is a rogue search engine that may display sponsored content and take full control over online traffic is a questionable URL that can settle down on any web browser as a default start page and search engine without authorization. The search has been developed by SEARCH TECHNOLOGY Ltd and […]
Zida ransomware – a threat that comes from a notorious file-locking malware family Zida ransomware – cryptovirus that delivers the main ransom-demanding note in the _readme.txt file. This particular message notifies you about the encoding procedure and encourages you to pay $980 in Bitcoin for the criminals. This is typically a […]
Zida ransomware
Auto Purge extension for Chrome may expose users to potentially dangerous third-party sites Auto Purge is a browser hijacker or redirects virus that can reroute users to suspicious sites Auto Purge is a browser hijacker or redirects virus that can reroute users to suspicious sites Auto Purge extension for Chrome […]
Auto Purge
The heavily exploited Magento 1.x bugs get patched when the first version reaches end-of-life on June 30th Various service providers like Visa and Mastercard warns other online store owners about the end of Magento 1.x.[1] There are tons of e-commerce providers that still run the Magento CMS, so they can […]
The first release of Magento platform reaches the end: updates ...
Pywdu is a newly released member of the gradually expanding Snatch ransomware family Pywdu ransomware is malware, which manifested at the end of June 2020. According to cybersecurity researchers, it belongs to the Snatch ransomware family, which has initially emerged back in 2018 and reproduced several deadly dangerous versions, including .FileSlack, […]
Pywdu ransomware is the adware-type intruder that shows irritating ads and annoys you with those unwanted redirects – the program that uses techniques of stealthy infiltration, so the commercial material can be delivered to your screen and speed gets significantly affected. This is the program responsible for all the performance […]
Kalox APP is yet another malware distributed via Chrome Web Store and other legitimate sources Kalox APP is a free-to-download Chrome extension that alters web browsers settings and promotes sponsored content. Although it is promoted as a useful tool for optimizing web searches, it’s not worth trust since it has tens […]
Kalox APP
One of the top AV programs is experiencing compatibility issues with Windows 10 version 2004 As people were once again excited about the new features and improvements of the newest Windows update,[1] the 2004 version was finally rolled out in May. Considering the troubled past,[2] however, it is not surprising […]
Updated Windows 10 to version 2004 and using Malwarebytes? Expect ...
Gdjlosvtnib ransomware – extortion-based malware that might result in a full loss of pictures, music, documents, and other files Gdjlosvtnib ransomware is a data locking computer infection that mainly targets businesses and organizations Gdjlosvtnib ransomware is a data locking computer infection that mainly targets businesses and organizations Gdjlosvtnib ransomware is […]
Gdjlosvtnib ransomware
Revcontent – adware which collects specific information about users’ habits online to create personalized ads RevContent is the redirecting PUP that focuses on showing you commercial content, so the traffic can be rerouted to shady services and sites whose publishers need revenue. Adware injects such ads on sites that you […]