
Virus, Malware, Trojans ads might bring you to dangerous places on the internet There are plenty of websites that are created to trick people into performing certain actions – be it provide personal information, download suspicious software, or allow intrusive ads. is one of many websites that uses scam and phishing techniques […] ads

Pushwhy is the unwanted program that creates issues with online browsing by delivering intrusive ads Pushwhy is a potentially unwanted program that often gets blocked by antivirus tools if you have those programs running on the computer. When the questionable website causes a security tool to display the alert stating about […]

Amarktflow is the advertising campaign causing fake winner messages Amarktflow is a rewards scam that lures people into revealing their sensitive information. It offers them to answer several questions and solve the puzzle to win free iPhone X, Amazon Gift card, Walmart Gift card, Chipotle Gift card, etc. However, next, […]
