Msftconnecttest redirect – a PUP that denies access to some Internet pages and can drop an error message Msftconnecttest redirect is a trouble-causing app that prevents the user from connecting to particular websites. According to a user’s report on Reddit,[1] this PUP has been disabling him from downloading specific software […]
Ad Network Performance virus – a piece of adware that can load fake prize claims and misleading offers Ad Network Performance virus, closely related to, is a piece of dubious software that gets the user involved in advertising campaigns. Considered to be a PUP[1] due to the deceptive infiltration […]
Ad Network Performance virus
WhatsApp virus is a term used for a variety of malware and scams directed towards this popular communications app WhatsApp virus is a cyber infection that affects WhatsaApp users. It is a scam that targets their personal details or aims to infect victims devices with malware. WhatsApp virus is a […]
WhatsApp virus
DDDPP ransomware is the threat that shows ransom payment instructions and information about the encryption process on the FileRestore.html file DDDPP ransomware – a version of the cryptovirus that selects particular files for encoding and affects the rest by modifying or even corrupting them permanently. PPDDDP ransomware is the primary variant […]
DDDPP ransomware – a well-known browser hijacker that infected millions of users over the years is a potentially unwanted program that usually arrives to users’ systems without permission is a potentially unwanted program that usually arrives to users’ systems without permission is a browser hijacker[1] that is capable […]
France claims that Pysa (Mespinoza) malware has already hit some local networks Mespinoza ransomware was first spotted by a cybersecurity researcher named Amigo-A who announced his findings on Twitter on October 25th, 2019.[1] When this malicious piece of software first showed up, it locked files by using a unique cipher, […]
A new variant of Pysa ransomware is infecting French governments
RekenSom ransomware – a crypto-malware asks for 0.015 BTC for file redemption RekenSom ransomware is a file locking virus that is still in a development RekenSom ransomware is a file locking virus that is still in a development RekenSom ransomware, otherwise known as Ghack ransomware, is a file locking virus […]
RekenSom ransomware is the site that proposes to allow notifications or agree to get additional content is the adware-type program that triggers various pop-ups and redirects to commercial sites or even potentially dangerous domains and deceptive pages. This page attempts to trick users into clicking on the presented content, so […]
View Live News Promos – adware that feeds users with interruptive ads after the extension is downloaded to the browser View Live News Promos is an adware app that claims to provide live videos of current news View Live News Promos is an adware app that claims to provide live […]
View Live News Promos
PPDDDP ransomware is the cryptovirus that encrypts files and damages selective data on the computer PPDDDP ransomware is the threat that uses the AES encryption algorithm and requires money in the form of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. It marks encoded files using .ppdddp extension with the pattern including an email address too. […]