Ryuk ransomware does not leave hospitals alone despite the fact that doctors are already busy with Coronavirus disease patients Since the end of 2019, hospitals worldwide are having a hard time dealing with Coronavirus-infected patients and also trying to protect themselves. According to cybersecurity researchers, Ryuk ransomware developers still do […]
The so-called BadUSB attack executed with the help of a letter that included a gift card from BestBuy Trustwave security research team published an article about a relatively rare malware distribution case.[1] A physical USB drive was sent to an undisclosed US hospitality company – it also included a brief […]
Rare phishing attack: company delivered malware-laden USB drive
TrickBot malware developers released malicious Android application to bypass the two-factor authentication protection used by various banks Malware authors released a new Android application that can intercept one-time authorization codes sent to various online banking customers via SMS or push notification. This way bypassing the security and completing fraudulent transactions.[1] This […]
TrickBot uses a malicious Android app to bypass 2FA by ...
Two websites providing misleading protection software were investigated by cybersecurity specialists Hackers decided to play a joke on the users and created two suspicious websites named corona-antivirus.com and antivirus-covid19.site aiming to advertise some type of antivirus tool that is supposed to protect the users from the widespread Corona disease. As […]
BlackNET malware spread via fake Corona antivirus tool
Tekya malware was downloaded almost 1 million times Check Point security researchers found that Android applications designed for kids distributed malware dubbed Tekya.[1] More than 50 apps on the Google Play Store were discovered using a new trick to mimic users clicks on ads.[2] This malware imitated users’ actions to […]
Google Play Store distributed malicious ad-fraud apps designed for kids
The overworked members of the healthcare sector are being targeted with coronavirus-themed phishing emails Due to the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, the healthcare sector has been under huge stress for a while now, lacking medical equipment and struggling with a shortage of bed spaces in hospitals. If that would not be enough, […]
Coronavirus phishing attacks continue: now deliver Netwalker ransomware
Hackers follow each others’ techniques: Sodinokibi distributes data stolen from victims on hacker forums Data, possibly belonging to consultancy firm Brooks International got exposed online due to the refusal paying demanded ransom[1] when Sodinokibi ransomware[2] infected their system. Now developers release information on hacking forums and sell details about their […]
Sodinokibi creators leak and sell data stolen from organizations
Rogers’ third-party service provider left an unprotected database open Canadian communications and media company Rogers is in the process of notifying its customers about the data breach that affected their personal information. According to the notification published on the official ISP’s site, the intrusion was spotted on February 26th, 2020, and […]
Data breach at Canadian ISP Rogers: open database to blame
France claims that Pysa (Mespinoza) malware has already hit some local networks Mespinoza ransomware was first spotted by a cybersecurity researcher named Amigo-A who announced his findings on Twitter on October 25th, 2019.[1] When this malicious piece of software first showed up, it locked files by using a unique cipher, […]
A new variant of Pysa ransomware is infecting French governments
Pakistan-related hackers use Coronavirus health advisories to infect potential victims COVID-19 appears to be not such a bad thing for some remote hackers when it has placed fear throughout the rest of society. Crooks have discovered many ways how to abuse the name of the Coronavirus disease for their own […]