Credit card skimmers behind Magecart scheme evaded detection for 30 months by using the fake content delivery network Researchers[1] reported a Magecart skimming operation[2] that was active for more than 2,5 years and targeted platforms like magazine printing firm.[3] The particular magazine platform failed to respond to alerts about shady […]
Beware of the secret admirer – the attached document is ransomware that will lock you out of access to your files On Wednesday, security researchers from Malwarebytes and X-Force IRIS have uncovered a new malspam campaign that installs Nemty ransomware[1] payload. Malicious actors once again rely on social engineering in […]
“Love Letter” malspam campaign delivers Nemty ransomware
The new version of Android malware will be able to break into accounts by using the stolen codes Cybersecurity experts have observed a new strain of Cerberus banking malware for Android – it now can gather one-time codes from Google Authenticator[1] and hack potential victims’ accounts that are protected with […]
Future view: Cerberus trojan steals 2FA codes via Google Authenticator
Malicious actors decide to follow the well-known trails that were first employed by Maze ransomware operators The creators of DoppelPaymer ransomware have configured a website called “Dopple leaks” that reveals private information collected from users who disagreed to pay the demanded ransom. The exposed information is supposed to include the […]
DoppelPaymer authors create Dopple leaks site, publish victims’ files
Slickwraps customers’ private data becomes at risk of exposure A cybersecurity specialist named Lynx[1] has revealed that the systems belonging to Slickwraps are vulnerable to unauthorized access. The company did not respond to the findings at first so the researcher went public with his discovery. Since Slickwraps is a firm […]
Easily accessible Slickwraps systems lead to a data breach
Data of 10.6 million MGM hotel visitors, including high-profile individuals, posted on the underground hacking forum In July 2019, MGM Resorts hotel and casino chain was affected by a cybersecurity incident that resulted in its guests’ personal information disclosure. In a combined investigation by tech site ZDNet[1] and a security […]
MGM data breach reveals personal data of celebrities and CEOs
A flaw in the ThemeREX Addons allow hackers to create admin accounts and take over vulnerable websites According to the Wordfence security firm that manages the WordPress platform’s firewall, the plugin installed on at least 44,000 websites has a bug that was already exploited by hackers.[1] Attacks started on February […]
Hackers exploit a zero-day vulnerability in a WordPress plugin
Potential victims receive fake email messages from Who asking them to click on a link or download a file The Coronavirus scandal, also recognized as COVID-19, has overflown the entire planet very fast and some hackers decided to misuse it for their own goals. Recently, crooks were found impersonating World […]
Crooks, posing as WHO, spread fake Coronavirus awareness messages
Operation Rebound: fake social media profiles with pictures of young girls used in the attack against Israel Defense Forces members According to the Israeli military, social media profiles with selfies of young girls got used in the Operation Rebound by Hamas.[1] The Twitter post from Israel Defense Forces claims that […]
Hamas hacker group tried to “catfish” Israeli soldiers on social ...
New day – new Emotet feature: compromised systems allow the trojan to spread using Wi-Fi connections Last month ended with news about the campaign, during which Emotet was distributed using Coronavirus spam emails.[1] This week, the new Binary Defense report revealed that Emotet relies on an original method of distribution – Wi-Fi […]