The railroad service Amtrak claims that user account data might have been breached A security incident was reported by the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, also known as Amtrak. The rail service provider suffered a data breach after an unauthorized party managed to breach into the servers and access some Amtrak Guest […]
Joomla open-source content management system suffers a security incident that revealed personal details of customers The member of the Joomla Resources Directory team left the unencrypted full backup of the JDR site on a nonsecured Amazon Web Services S3 bucket operated by the third-party company.[1] This data breach impacted more […]
Joomla suffers data breach: encrypted passwords of 2,700 users exposed
Video games exploited once again – threat actors post fake videos on YouTube promoting an alleged Valorant mobile app Highly anticipated first-person shooter Valorant has been in the vicinity of bad actors recently, as the next Riot’s game is played by millions each day. The official release for the game […]
Video games exploited again: fake Valorant mobile app promoted online
Researchers identified VandaTheGod after series of attacks on government websites that started in 2013 The real identity if Brazilian individual from the city of Uberlândia got exposed by researchers from Check Point, who reported on VandaTheGod’s activity for years.[1] The hacker left a digital trail that led to this discovery. The […]
The person responsible for 7-year hacktivism campaigns gets exposed
Turla APT arranges new attacks against high-profile entities since January 2020 Security company ESET[1] has shared their knowledge about a recently renewed attacks of the Turla Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) against high-profile institutions. According to the company, the gang has invested much effort to revive the infamous ComRAT backdoor, which […]
Refreshed Turla’s ComRat uses Gmail web UI for data exfiltration
Maze ransomware managers release 2GB payment card numbers that belong to the Bank of Costa Rica customers Maze ransomware gathers momentum – criminals managing this deadly dangerous RaaS (ransomware as a business) keeps expanding its list of victims. The Cyble Research team[1] reported on May 1st, 2020 that the Bank […]
Maze gets rampant: exposes card numbers of Costa Rica Bank ...
Researchers reveal that campaigns based on “living off the land” tools, conducted by Chafer APT Hacker group with apparent links to the Iranian government released attacks based on several tools built for hacking and spreading backdoors, data exfiltration.[1] Researchers revealed that attacks in the Middle East were by the Chafer […]
Governments in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia targeted by Iranian Chafer ...
A group of hackers dubbed CyberWare arrange targeted DDoS attacks over rogue websites and spread MilkmanVictory ransomware to scammers A self-appointed group of hacked dubbed as CyberWare is trying to undertake law enforcement in the fight with, as they claim, scammers, fake banks, and fake loan sites. The group resurfaced […]
CyberWare hackers aim justice: DDoS and ransomware attacks on scammers
Budget carrier EasyJet hacked: travel information and also some credit card details breached by the attackers One of the largest airline carriers in the UK, EasyJet, has suffered a cyberattack that affected the personal information of its customers. According to the notice posted by the travel company on May 19,[1], […]
EasyJet cyberattack exposes personal data of 9 million customers
Criminals behind REvil ransomware attacked Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks Law firm and demand $42M ransom for not disclosing details on celebrities The famous New-York based Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks Law (GSMS)[1] firm providing specialized legal services for having been hit by the infamous REvil[2] ransomware at the beginning […]